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作者:         发布日期:2017-10-24     浏览次数:







(1) 小麦重要农艺性状和根系发育相关基因的鉴定和作用机理研究;

(2) 小麦耐热基因的发掘与作用机理研究;

(3) 小麦抗逆分子设计育种。




(1) 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目“生长素对雌配子体珠心降解的调控机理”(2019-2022)

(2) 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目“小麦侧根数目主效QTLTaLRN的精细定位与候选基因克隆”(2016-2019)

(3) 主持唐仲英育种基金项目(2017-2018)

(4) 参与国家科技部重点研发项目“黄淮南片强优势杂交小麦杂交种创制与应用”(2016-2020)

(5) 主持旱区作物逆境生物学国家重点实验室项目“小麦耐热分子机理研究”(2018)

(6) 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目“BRS1对植物氧化还原电位调控的机理研究”(2014-2017)


[1] Wang Junzhe, Guo Xiaolong, Xiao Qiang, Zhu Jianchu, Cheung Alice Y, Yuan Li, Vierling Elizabeth, and Xu Shengbao* (2021). Auxin efflux controls orderly nucellar degeneration and expansion of the female gametophyte in Arabidopsis. New Phytologist230, 2261-2274.

[2] Lu Yunze, Zhao Peng, Zhang Aihua, Ma Lingjian, Xu Shengbao*, and Wang Xiaoming* (2020). Alternative splicing diversified the heat response and evolutionary strategy of conserved Heat Shock Protein 90s in hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Frontiers in genetics11. 577897.

[3] Wang Xiaoming, Chen Siyuan, Shi Xue, Liu Danni, Zhao Peng, Lu Yunze, Cheng Yanbing, Liu Zhenshan, Nie Xiaojun, Song Weining, Sun Qixin, Xu Shengbao* and Ma Chuang* (2019). Hybrid sequencing reveals insight into heat sensing and signaling of bread wheat. The Plant Journal98, 1015-1032.

[4] Hou Lijiang, Zhang Aihua, Wang Ruochen, Zhao Peng, Zhang Dongzhi, Jiang Yujie, Diddugodage Chamila Jeewani, Wang Xiaoming, Ni Zhongfu, and Xu Shengbao* (2019). Brassinosteroid regulates root development with highly redundant genes in hexaploid wheat. Plant and Cell Physiology60, 1761-1777.

[5] Wang Xiaoming, Shi Xue, Chen Siyuan, Ma Chuang, and Xu Shengbao* (2018). Evolutionary origin, gradual accumulation and functional divergence of heat shock factor gene family with plant evolution. Frontiers in plant science9, 71.

[6] Wang Xiaoming, Hou Lijiang, Lu Yunze, Wu Bingjin, Gong Xue, Liu Manshuang, Wang Jun, Sun Qixin, Vierling Elizabeth, and Xu Shengbao* (2018). Metabolic adaptation of wheat grain contributes to a stable filling rate under heat stress. Journal of experimental botany69, 5531-5545.

[7] Wang Jun, Wang Junzhe, Lu Yunze, Fang Yan, Gao Xin, Wang Zhonghua, Zheng Weijun, and Xu Shengbao* (2018). The heat responsive wheat TaRAD23 rescues developmental and thermotolerant defects of the rad23b mutant in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Science274, 23-31.

[8] Wang Xiaoming, Wang Ruochen, Ma Chuang, Shi Xue, Liu Zhenshan, Wang Zhonghua, Sun Qixin, Cao Jun, and Xu Shengbao* (2017). Massive expansion and differential evolution of small heat shock proteins with wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) polyploidization. Scientific reports 7, 1-12.

[9] Lu Yunze, Li Ruiqiong, Wang Ruochen, Wang Xiaoming, Zheng Weijun, Sun Qixin, Tong Shaoming, Dai Shaojun, and Xu Shengbao* (2017). Comparative proteomic analysis of flag leaves reveals new insight into wheat heat adaptation. Frontiers in plant science8, 1086.

[10] Deng Qian, Wang Xue, Zhang Dongzhi, Wang Xiaoming, Feng Cuizhu*, and Xu Shengbao* (2017). BRS1 function in facilitating lateral root emergence in Arabidopsis. International journal of molecular sciences18, 1549.

[11] Xu Shengbao, Guerra Damian, Lee Ung, and Vierling Elizabeth (2013). S-nitrosoglutathione reductases are low-copy number, cysteine-rich proteins in plants that control multiple developmental and defense responses in Arabidopsis. Frontiers in plant science4, 430.

[12] He Kai, Xu Shengbao, and Li Jia (2013). BAK1 directly regulates brassinosteroid perception and BRI1 activation. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology55, 1264-1270.

[13] Liu Gang, Xu Shengbao, Ni Zhongfu, Xie Chaojie, Qin Dandan, Li Jing, Lu Lahu, Zhang Jinping, Peng Huiru, and Sun Qixin (2011). Molecular dissection of plant height QTLs using recombinant inbred lines from hybrids between common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and spelt wheat (Triticum spelta L.). Chinese Science Bulletin56, 1897.

[14] Xu Shengbao, Yu Huatao, Yan Longfeng, and Wang Tai (2010). Integrated proteomic and cytological study of rice endosperms at the storage phase. Journal of proteome research9, 4906-4918.

[15] Xu Shengbao, Li Tang, Deng Zhuyun, Chong Kang, Xue Yongbiao, and Wang Tai (2008). Dynamic proteomic analysis reveals a switch between central carbon metabolism and alcoholic fermentation in rice filling grains. Plant physiology 148, 908-925.

16. Li Zhenxing, Ni Zhongfu, Peng Huiru, Liu Zhiyong, Nie Xiuling, Xu Shengbao, Liu Gang and Sun Qixin (2007). Molecular mapping of QTLs for root response to phosphorus deficiency at seedling stage in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)Progress in Natural Science 17, 1177-1184.


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