首页» 师资队伍» 教授、研究员


作者:         发布日期:2021-11-24     浏览次数:



男,1966年7月生,教授、博士、博士生导师。国家油菜产业技术体系岗位专家(2007-2016),中国作物学会油料专业委员会会员(1996-至今)。现在西北农林科技大学农学院植物科学系工作,任西北农林科技大学油菜研究中心主任。2005年入选首批西北农林科技大学青年科研骨干支持计划,2009年入选西北农林科技大学拔尖人才支持计划。CJGPB(捷克作物遗传育种,SCI杂志)编委,Frontier in Plant Science、Theor Appl Genet、Euphytica、Crop Science、Euphytica、中国农业科学,作物学报、遗传、中国油料作物学报等杂志的审稿人。



2000年9月-2003年7月: 西北农林科技大学作物遗传育种专业攻读博士学位,获农学博士学位。




2004年12月-至今: 教授,博士生导师,西北农林科技大学农学院。






2006年2月-11月:美国Kansas State University和美国农业部ARS做访问科学家。



2009年9月26日-10月2日:澳大利亚悉尼,参加“world congress on oils and fats & 28th ISF congress”大会。








研究生课程:作物杂种优势理论与技术(32学时); “作物遗传育种专题”(油菜专题,6学时)和博士生“作物遗传育种进展”(油菜专题,2学时)。




1) 甘蓝型油菜生态雄性不育系373S温敏不育基因的图位克隆及功能研究,国家基金(32172075),2022-2025年。

2) “全省种质资源保护利用” (20171010000004),子课题“油菜种质资源的保护利用”,陕西省现代农作物种业项目。


(一) 发表论文

在Theor Appl Genet,Euphytica,BMC Genomics, Genet Resour Crop Evol,Horticulture Research, Crop Science,Agronomy J, Plant Breeding等杂志发表论文110多篇,代表作如下(*, 通讯作者)。

1) Sun YY, Zhang DS, Wang ZZ, Guo Y, Sun XM, Li W, Zhi WL, Hu SW*(2020) Cytological observation of anther structure and genetic investigation of a thermo-sensitive genic male sterile line 373S in  Brassica napus  L. BMC Plant Biol, 20:8.

2) Huang QX. Lv JY, Sun YY, Wang HM, Guo Y, Qu GP, Hu SW*(2020) Inheritance and molecular characterization of a novel mutative acetohydroxyacid synthase (AHAS) gene responsible for resistance to AHAS-inhibitor herbicides in rapeseed ( Brassica napus  L.). Int J Mol Sci, 21:1345.

3) Zhang YX, Yao W, Wang F, Su Y, Zhang D, Hu SW*, Zhang X*(2020). AGC protein kinase AGC1-4 mediates seed size in  Arabidopsis . Plant Cell Reports.39:825-837

4) Faisal S, Guo Y, Du C, Zhang D, Lv J, Channa SA, Qu G, Hu SW*(2020) Morphological, physiological and genetic analyses of an upward-curling leaf in  Brassica napus  L. Acta Physiolgiae Plantarum 42:46

5) Zhang XJ,Chen HY, Zhang Q, Zhang YX, Xiao ZD, GUo Y, Yu F*, Hu SW* (2020) Cytological and genetic characterisation of dominant GMS line Shaan-GMS in  Brassica napus  L. Journal of Applied Genetics, 61:477-488

6) Cao BT, Wang X, Bai JJ, Xu YZ, Zhao JJ, Li XR*, He YK*, Hu SW* (2020) Alternatively spliced  BobCAL  transcripts alter curd morphotypes in a collection of Chinese cauliflower accessions. Horticulture Research, 2020,7:160

7) Faisal S, Guo Y, Zang S,Cao B, Qu G, Hu SW*(2018) Morphological and genetic analysis of a cleistogamous mutant in rapeseed ( Brassica napus  L.).Genet Resour Crop Evol, 65:397-403

8) Luo CC, Sun YY, Zhang YX, Guo Y, Klima M, Hu SW*(2018) Genetic investigation and cytological comparison of two genic male sterile lines 9012A and MSL in  Brassica napus  L.Euphytica,214:124

9) Lv JY, Huang QX, Sun YY, Qu GP, Guo Y, Zhang XJ, Zhao HX*, Hu SW*(2018) Male Sterility of an AHAS-mutant Induced by Tribenuron-methyl Solution Correlated with the Decrease of AHAS Activity in  Brassica napus  L. Front. Plant Sci. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2018.01014

10) Channa SA, Tian HY, Mohammed MI, Zhang RJ, Faisal S, Guo Y, Klima M, Stamm M, Hu SW*(2018) Heterosis and combining ability analysis in Chinese semi-winter × exotic accessions of rapeseed ( Brassica napus  L.). Euphytica, 214:134

11) Tian HY, Channa SA, Hu SW* (2017) Relationship between genetic distance, combining ability and heterosis in rapeseed ( Brassica napus  L.). Euphytica, 213:1

12) Huang QX,Xin XY,Guo Y,Hu SW* (2016) Cytological observation of anther structure and genetic investigation of a new type of cytoplasmic male sterile 0A193-CMS in  Brassica rapa  L. Plant Breeding, 135(6):707-713

13) Li ZJ, Zhang PP,Lv JY, Cheng YF, Cui JM, Zhao HX*, Hu SW*(2016) Global dynamic transcriptome programming of rapeseed ( Brassica napus  L.) anther at different development stages. PLoS ONE. 11(5): e0154039.

14) Tian HY,Li W, Kucera V, Stamm MJ, Hu SW*(2016). Phenotypic diversity of rapeseed accessions from different geographic locations. Oil Crop Science ,(1):9-20

15) Li ZJ, Cheng YF, Cui JM, Zhang PP, Zhao HX*, Hu SW* (2015) Comparative transcriptome analysis reveals carbohydrate and lipid metabolism blocks in  Brassica napus  L. male sterility induced by the chemical hybridization agent monosulfuron ester sodium. BMC Genomics. 16:206,DOI: 10.1186/s12864-015-1388-5

16) Tian HY,Channa SA, Hu SW* (2015) Heterotic grouping and the heterotic pattern among Chinese rapeseed accessions ( Brassica napus  L.). Agronomy Journal. 107(4):1321-1330

17) Cheng YF, Cui JM, Li ZJ, Hu ZX, Xing ZN, Wang J, Zhao HX,Hu SW* (2015) The sulphonylurea herbicide monosulfuron-ester sodium as a special male gametocide in  Brassica napus  L. Czech Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding. 51(1):16-22

18) Cheng YF, Wang Q, Li ZJ, Cui JM, Hu SW*, Zhao HX *, Chen MS (2013). Cytological and comparative proteomic analyses on male sterility in  Brassica napus  L. induced by the chemical hybridization agent monosulphuron ester sodium. PLOS ONE. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0080191.

19) Xiao ZD, Xin XY, Chen HY, Hu SW* (2013) Cytological investigation of development of anther in DGMS line Shaan-GMS in  Brassica napus  L. Czech Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding. 49(1):16-23

20) Zhang RJ, Hu SW*, Yan JQ, Sun GL(2012) Cytoplasmic diversity in  Brassica rapa  L. investigated by mitochondrial markers. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution. DOI: 10.1007/s10722-012-9892-9

21) Li W, Jiang W, Zhao ZX, Vyvadilova M, Stamm MJ, Hu SW* (2012) Genetic diversity of rapeseed accessions from different geographic locations revealed by EST-SSR and RAPD markers. Crop Science. 52:201-210

22) Li W, Zhang JF, Mou YL, Geng JF, McVetty PBE, Hu SW*, Li GY (2011) Integration of Solexa sequences on an ultradense genetic map in  Brassica rapa  L. BMC Genomics. 12:249 doi:10.1186/1471-2164-12-249

23) Zhao HX, Li ZJ, Hu SW*, Sun GL, Chang JJ, Zhang ZH(2010)Identification of cytoplasm types in rapeseed ( Brassica napus  L.) accessions by a multiplex PCR assay. Theor Appl Genet. 121,643-650

24) 张 蕊,刘海衡,赵惠贤*, 胡胜武*(2010)油菜黄化突变体蛋白质组分析:两种蛋白质提取方法比较.生物化学与生物物理进展, 37(9):1025-1032

25) Hu SW, Bai GH*, Carver BF, Zhang DD (2008) Diverse origins of aluminum-resistance sources in wheat. Theor Appl Genet, 118(1):29-41

26) Hu SW*, Yu CY, Zhao HX*, Sun GL, Zhao SL, Vyvadilova M and Kucera V (2007) Genetic diversity of  Brassica napus  germplasm from China and Europe assessed by some agronomically important characters. Euphytica, 154:9-16

27) Hu SW, Fan YF, Zhao HX, Guo XL, Yu CY, Sun GL, Liu SY, Wang HZ* (2006) Analysis of  MS2Bnap  genomic DNA homologous to  MS2  gene from  Arabidopsis thaliana  in two dominant digenic male sterile accessions of oilseed rape ( Brassica napus  L.). Theor Appl Genet, 113:397-406

28) Yu CY, Hu SW*, Zhao HX, Guo AG and Sun GL (2005) Genetic distances revealed by morphological characters, isozymes, proteins and RAPD markers and their relationships with hybrid performance in oilseed rape ( Brassica napus  L.). Theor Appl Genet,110: 511-518

29) Hu SW, Ovesna J*, Kucera L, Kucera V, Vyvadilova M (2003) Evaluation of genetic diversity of  Brassica napus  germplasm from China and Europe assessed by RAPD markers. Plant, Soil and Environment, 49(3): 106-113

(二) 其他成果

1. 专著

1) 胡胜武.第4章,第5章,第21章。卢长明主译,十字花科植物遗传与基因组学。北京:科学出版社,2013:107-147;488-497

2) 胡胜武. 黄淮地区油菜常见灾害特点和防治技术。王汉中主编,中国油菜生产抗灾减灾技术手册.北京:中国农业科学技术出版社,2009:174-185

2. 获奖

1) “陕西省油菜种质资源搜集、评价和利用研究”获1997年度农科院科技进步一等奖和1998年度陕西省政府科技进步三等奖(第8名)。

2) “陕西省主要农家种和改良种小麦加工品质鉴定”获1998年度农科院科技进步二等奖和1999年度陕西省政府科技进步三等奖(第4名)。

3. 选育品种


4. 指导研究生





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电子邮件: swhu83251@nwsuaf.edu.cn / hushengwu@hotmail.com

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